Reality of global warming. Data Science with Postgres and TimescaleDB

This is a practical session using a real weather dataset with the intent to answer if global warming is real and how to do basic data science with SQL and process data closer to the data locality.

Jônatas Davi Paganini

Jônatas Davi Paganini

Developer Advocate

Nerd, cyclist, and blogger. I'm a pair programming evangelist. Vim editor user and enthusiast.

What the attendees will learn

This agenda is designed to provide participants with an overview of the key concepts and techniques involved in Data Science with Postgres and TimescaleDB, while also giving them the opportunity to explore and experiment with time-series data analysis techniques. The workshop also includes a knowledge-sharing and Q&A session, allowing participants to share their own experiences and ask questions about the topics covered.


- A laptop with your favourite IDE and pSQL.
- A TimeScaleDB running on docker or the cloud version.

Companies that use this technology

Walmart, Apple, Salesforce, etc.

Workshop Plan

Introduction to Data Science and Postgres (15 minutes)
Exploring Time-Series Data with Postgres (30 minutes)
Using Postgresql for Data Analysis (45 minutes)
Use Timescaledb Toolkit to build complex Time-Series Data Analysis (60 minutes)

Creating a correlation matrix in Postgresql
Downsampling data with LTTB function
Implementing candlestick (OHLC) charts

Wrap-up and Knowledge Sharing (30 minutes)

Reality of global warming. Data Science with Postgres and TimescaleDB

Date and time:


15:00 - 18:00


Time-Series, Databases

Target audience roles:

Developers, Data Scientists




Self-Service Coffee
(This workshop is free for general ticket holders until the end of stock)

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